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How to Combat Bad Breath

A mother and daughter brushing their teeth together

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is a very common issue amongst the general population. The fact that its solution is so easy and accessible yet still rampant everywhere is quite surprising. Read on to find out the causes and ways to combat bad breath.


Food is arguably the most common cause of bad breath. Together with mouth bacteria, food with a strong odor leaves an unpleasant experience in your mouth. Garlic, onions, and spicy food, when digested, release chemicals that travel through your bloodstream and enter your lungs, affecting your breath.

Different types of fish are another cause of bad breath. According to the American Society of Nutrition, the trimethylamine (TMA) in fish is the primary cause of that fishy smell which is quite hard to get rid of. The simplest solution to combat bad breath is to brush regularly after every meal and floss.

Tobacco Products

Smoking and other tobacco products are universally known to produce bad breath. In this case, bad breath is produced by a combination of residual smoke and chemical compounds in your mouth, which mix with saliva.

Tobacco products also cause the mouth to dry, decreasing your saliva production. Lack of saliva allows a lot of bacteria to flourish and produce bad breath. To combat bad breath, avoid all types of tobacco products.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria can be found almost everywhere, especially in the tongue's crevices and oral cavities. Morning breath is primarily caused by dryness in the mouth as the salivary glands aren't that efficient during the night.

Over-the-counter medicines like those for blood pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants, diuretics, and others can decrease saliva production too. To solve this problem, make sure your mouth remains hydrated.


To combat bad breath, simply brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and maintain your oral hygiene. Although bad breath isn't dangerous in itself, it can potentially signify something concerning. Visit our website to get an immediate consultation.

Posted on Apr 11, 2022
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