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Adulthood is a Great Time for Orthodontic Treatment!

Adult BracesThese days, it’s more common than ever for adults to seek orthodontic treatment. The reasons include correcting improper bites, improving the beauty of a smile, and boosting confidence. We know that many adults hesitate to receive orthodontic treatment because traditional braces are more associated with adolescents, but there are plenty of great reasons why adulthood is a great time for orthodontics.

Reasons to Receive Braces as an Adult

Below are a few of the great reasons why more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment:

  • Shifting Teeth – Teeth can shift around at any age. Shifts can be caused by injury, health conditions, or even just natural growth. Shifting teeth, especially if you already had braces as a teen, can be distressing.
  • Avoid Dental Problems – If your teeth are misaligned or improperly spaced, it can cause problems with brushing properly. You may accidentally be leaving some areas of the teeth un-brushed, leading to a buildup of plaque. This can increase your chances of dental cavities and tooth decay.
  • Improve Confidence – Being able to show off a straight and beautiful smile can have a huge impact on your confidence and the way you interact with others. If you’re proud of your smile, you’ll be perceived as a happier person!
  • Subtlety – As technology has advanced, braces have become more subtle than ever. You have a wide range of options including clear braces, tooth-colored braces, and even Invisalign trays. These are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces.
  • Affordability – Lastly, many adults remember their parents being unable to afford braces when they were young. But these days there are a number of financing options and some insurance policies may cover part of the treatment, depending on the type of orthodontic treatment and the reasons it’s necessary.

Since adults are more responsible and tend to take better care of their orthodontic appliances, the result of adult braces is often even more beautiful than that of a teen! If you have questions about adult braces or need to make an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam, please contact Meadows Family Dentistry today. Our office is located in Castle Rock, Colorado.  

Posted on Jul 8, 2019
Image Credit: ©
